What makes an awesome lofi loop?
Getting the lofi loops you need
The key to making a great lofi playlist is getting the right loops. There are a lot of free and paid lofi loop resources out there, but not all of them sound very good. Here are some of my favorite free loop sources:
Free Loops.com - they have a whole section dedicated to beats and loops that you can use in your mixes.
Looperman - a resource with thousands of user-submitted loops. You can search by tag and autoplay your favorites right in the browser.
Soundcloud - there are some very talented artists sharing their loops on soundcloud, but be sure to check the license for each artist before using their samples.

Getting the lofi loops you need
Making a lofi loop is more than just the recording of a loop, it's about how well you record that loop. It's also about how much time you spend on the track. I've seen some people put in a lot of work into a track and get nothing out of it.
Here are some tips for making lofi loops.
1. Record your own lofi music loops.
This is probably one of the most important things to do when you're making lofi loops. Instead of buying loops, or downloading an already made one from somewhere, make your own! Not only will this help you develop your own style, it will also save you time, since you don't need to go back and forth between your DAW and your sound library. Also, if you have a lot of samples, making your own loops can help to keep them organized so that they're easy to find when you're looking for them in the future.
2. Don't use too many effects on the loop.
Most producers use too many effects on their tracks and end up with the same thing over again. If you want to make something unique, try using different effects instead of reusing the same ones over again. It can be hard at first but once you get used to the effects, creating lofi music should be simple enough.

image from https://www.deviantart.com/damare/art/Moonlight-Hotel-850049101
Don't get picky over MIDI quality while making lofi music track
If you have a MIDI keyboard, then use it with DAWs. If you are looking for the best free DAW, then Garageband and Reaper will be good options for you.
- Don't get picky over MIDI quality while making lofi music track
MIDI is an interface between your keyboard and the computer. It allows to record songs without any quality loss. But there are two disadvantages with MIDI – 1) No human touch 2) You can’t change your instrument after recording.

Learning to use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstations)
- Learning to use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstations)
DAWs are like your audio editors. They can record, edit, mix, and master your tracks. FL Studio is one of the most popular free beat making software which has its own sound library. It contains hundreds of sound effects which you can use to make lofi beats.
When it comes to making music, you don't need to spend a lot of money. In fact, there are many great free options available.
I've been making lofi beats for years now and I have learned a lot from my experience. Here are some tips that you can follow that will help you make better beats.
Don't be picky over MIDI quality. MIDI is just a collection of data points that tell the computer what note to play at what time. If you purchase a MIDI pack on Beatport or other online store, then you will get the same exact notes if someone else bought the same pack and played those notes back on their computer. The only thing that changes is how they sound when they are played back. So if you want to save money, don't buy any MIDI packs (unless they come with the actual samples).
Learning how to use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) will make your beat making process much easier and more efficient. A DAW is an application that allows you to record audio, edit it, and then export it as an audio file. Most DAWs include built in instruments so all you need is a microphone and an audio interface to start recording your own lofi beats!
Use headphones when mixing a lofi mix if your target audience are likely to use headphone while listening. As lofi music contains lots of details which can only be heard thru headphones.
Recording quality loops
The first basic thing you need to do is recording quality lofi music loops. I've found that the best way to do that is to record yourself playing various instruments and then use them as samples.
In addition, whenever possible, I try to record instruments that have a unique sound. For example, I might record a tin can as a tambourine or a guitar as a sitar. That way, I end up with some truly unique sounds that sound great on their own but work well in songs too.
There are several options for recording lofi music loops:
A microphone: This is probably the easiest method for recording lofi music loops. All you need is a mic and an audio interface (the simplest one will do). If you don't have an audio interface, you can use your computer's built-in microphone or any cheap USB mic.
An audio recorder: If you have an audio recorder lying around, you can use it for recording lofi music loops. Just connect your recorder to your computer using your USB cable and start recording!
If neither of these options works for you, try looking for free software such as Audacity or GarageBand